How supportive are you towards breastfeeding mothers?
If breastfeeding was a natural part of our everyday life,mother would be breastfeeding as a matter of course unless
there was a medical reason not to.Everyone in society can play a part in helping support mothers to breastfeed.
Take a quiz below and see how supportive you are.
1. When You see a mother breastfeeding in the mall,You:
2. You are in a restaurant having a meal with a mother,admiring a baby and talking to across the table,when she starts to breastfeed ,you:
3. You See a toddler (Under two years old)walk up to her mother and breastfeed,you:
4. You are in a conversation with a pregnant woman about breastfeeding,you:
5. A close family member (e.g daughter) is breastfeeding her four week old son,you:
6. A member of your household (e.g partner)is breastfeeding her daughter,when the baby cries after the feed,you:
7. A mother tells you she doesn't have enough milk,you:
8. A mother breastfeeds her baby by unbuttoning her blouse from the top down,you:
9. At your place of work a work team mate goes off for a breastfeeding break with her breast pump,you:
10. You have been invited to a baby shower,you:
Scores: How did you do?
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1%-25% Like many your breastfeeding support needs more more work!!
25%-50% Like Many your Breastfeeding support needs work!
50%-75% You're well on your way to be a great breastfeeding supporters.
75%-100% Congratulations! Thanks for your excellent support for breastfeeding mothers
Correct answers:
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This Quiz was created as part of World Breastfeeding Week2008 by Women's Health Action.
La Leche League offers information and support to women who want to breastfeed their babies.
Find a local leader and group at
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