Celebrating World Breastfeeding Week in Serbia
Sunday August 3 rd – Tasmajdan Park, Belgrade
The Serbian Parents Network (Udruženje RODITELJ) will participate this year for the third time in the celebration of the World Breastfeeding Week. On August 3 rd , public event will take place in one of the central parks in Belgrade and thus supports the effort to promote the natural way of feeding.
We will gather in one place a large number of nursing mothers and organize the best “ lunch” our babies can have – mother's milk! This year's Breastfeeding Week is dedicated, in accordance with the WABA theme, to Mother support: Going for the Gold . We have also prepared educational and information material to be distributed at the event, along with the translation of this year's WABA action folder into Serbian language.
The main goal of this action is to provide information about the advantages of breastfeeding as the best and healthiest source of food for a newborn. We would also like to present breastfeeding in public, which is still in Serbia deemed under the heavy burden of bias, the burden which, we hope, can partly be relieved by presenting breastfeeding as the most beautiful present of nature.
Central activity is gathering a large number of nursing mothers, which is good for obtaining media attention whilst at the same time being alluring to the parents, mothers who have breastfed or who are breastfeeding their young, but also interesting for young children, since we have prepared a special programme for them during the entire event.
The event will be organised at one location, in five separate lots:
1. Place for gathering of breastfeeding mothers, with chairs and refreshments provided (beverages and water)
2. Place reserved for experts (nursery nurses, midwives, paediatrician nurses, paediatricians, nutritionists, gynecologists etc), who will give advice that day to all the mothers and monthers-to-be and answer their questions about pregnancy, breastfeeding, best diet and baby care.
3. Place where children can play, with entertainers who will spend time playing with them during the entire event
4. Space reserved for sponsors of the action
5. Space marked as - „press corner“ for media.
Visitors of the event are parents and parents-to-be who come from Belgrade and the surrounding places, but also from other towns (such as Šabac, Sremska Mitrovica, Backa Palanka, Novi Sad, Stara Pazova, Indija, Niš, Kragujevac....). Visitors are also various guests – experts who attend this event to give their support to the work of the Serbian Parents Association and to give advice and help on the spot to all the mothers who need it, as well as the representatives of relevant institutions and NGOs.
The event takes place this year with the patronage of the Ministry of Health, as well as with the support of other institutions of local government and international organisations, and different institutions for health care and prevention.
Ancillary activities
Photo contest
The same as in the previous years, this year we have also organized the photo contest in order to select the best breastfeeding photo. Winner will be announced at the event on August 3 rd and will receive rewards from the sponsors of the event.
Peer support group dedicated to breastfeeding
In the context of the project Peer support group, which is organised once per week by the Serbian Parents Network, members of the Serbian Parents Network will share their experience in breastfeeding on August 2 nd with mothers and pregnant women interested in the topic, and at the same time will announce the main event, which takes place a day later.
About Serbian Parents Network
Serbian Parents Network was established at the beginning of February 2006 after the initiative of a dozen young parents faced with numerous issues of parenting and upbringing. Our wish to participate actively in shaping the childhood and future of our children resulted in the establishment of the Serbian Parents Network, the first and still the only organization, which is thoroughly dedicated to parenting and children. Serbian Parents Network strives to accomplish its vision - to enable all parents, parents-to-be and children to exercise their rights and to obtain in that complete, honest and effective support of the society.
Serbian Parents Association is a non-profit, nongovernmental, non-political organization founded with the aim of providing information and support to parents and parents-to-be in Serbia in all the domains related to parenting. Activities of the Serbian Parents Association are diverse – family planning, childcare, legal advice and advocacy, as well as humanitarian actions.

Our Vision
Society where all the parents and children freely exercise their rights, with complete, honest and effective support provided.
Our Mission
Mission of the Serbian Parents Network and the reason for its establishment and existence is support to and work on the creation of better circumstances for parenting, birth and upbringing in Serbia.