Want to have your
own WBW page on this site?
Sharing your wonderful work will show linkage and solidarity
with the global World Breastfeeding Week campaign.
We would be happy to hear from you & give you some space for
your efforts in promoting, protecting and
supporting breastfeeding!
Remember to send us pictures,
news, media reports about your activities and you'll receive
a free breastfeeding photo calendar 2008.
What's happening
in your country |
We would like to get more information on
your country and highlight the challenges in initiating
breastfeeding during the first hour of baby’s life. What percentage of women
begin breastfeeding within ONE hour of birth in your
country? Mention the study, its population scope and year
of study to
waba@streamyx.com. Make this your first activity for
WBW 2007! |
1-7 August 2007

Initiation of breastfeeding within the 1st hour
of birth is the first and most vital step towards reducing
infant and under-five mortality, by reducing the
overwhelmingly high neonatal mortality rate. Save ONE
million babies – beginning with one action, one hour
support and one message: beginning breastfeeding within
the 1st hour of birth! Download WBW 2007
here! We will add more resources for you
as and when they are ready.
Synchronized Breastfeeding Worldwide Campaign |
WBW 2007 Synchronized Breastfeeding Worldwide!
Congrats to all over
10,000 motherbabies for making this event a success!
Over 10,000 mothers and babies in 14 countries
joined efforts to breastfeed in a global
synchronized breastfeeding project on 8 August 2007,
which was organized in conjunction with World
Breastfeeding Week. The event, carried out at 325
sites in 14 countries at 10am their local time,
attracted 10,103 motherbabies. A total of 9,826
motherbaby pairs successfully latched on for one
Click here
to read more about the Synchronized
Breastfeeding Worldwide. Also visit the website for
more information and materials
In May
2006, the Philippines, broke the Guinness
World Record on Simultaneous Breastfeeding in a
Single Site when they gathered 3,541
mothers with the City of Manila. This year, they
created the First Guinness World Record on
Simultaneous Breastfeeding in Multiple Sites
when they gathered more than 20,000 mothers
in more than 400 sites. The
organizing group, Children for Breastfeeding, in
partnership with WABA, is planning for the first
ever attempt to foster cooperation among nations to
establish another Guinness World Record in
celebration of World Breastfeeding Week.
Witness the Breast Crawl! |
Every newborn, when placed on the mother’s
abdomen, soon after birth, has the ability to
find her mother’s breast all on her own and to
decide when to take the first breastfeed. This
is called the ‘Breast Crawl’. It is nature’s
miraculous way of initiating breastfeeding.
This project is undertaken by UNICEF
Maharashtra and BPNI Maharashtra. Click here
to go to the website and download the free
video documentary and scientific information.
What is the Initiation Rate in Your Country? |
The State of the World's Breastfeeding Report Card,
compiled by IBFAN Asia, shows the statistic on the
initiation of breastfeeding within one hour. Click
here to go to the website to find out if your
country has such info. If the rate is high, great!
If it is low or no data at all, this is an
opportunity for you to approach your health
ministries on the importance of such crucial data!
Celebrating WBW?
opportunity for your group! |
Application for WBW 07 Seedgrants is now closed!
We received more than 85 proposals from 36 countries, and would like to thank
you for interest in celebrating WBW this year! We have
5-10 seedgrants to be given, each amounting
US$500-US$1,000. We will be informing you of the status of
your applications soon.