The World
Breastfeeding Week (WBW) is the greatest outreach vehicle for the
breastfeeding movement, being celebrated in over 120 countries.
Officially it is celebrated from 1–7 August. However, groups may
choose other dates to make it a more successful event in their
your wonderful work will show linkage and solidarity with the global WBW
campaign. Send your reports, materials you have produced, photos
and we will create a webpage for you which you can use to further promote
your WBW activities to
WBW 2007 Synchronized
Breastfeeding Worldwide!
Congrats to all over 10,000 motherbabies for making this event a success!
Over 10,000 mothers and babies in 14 countries joined efforts to
breastfeed in a global synchronized breastfeeding project on 8 August
2007, which was organized in conjunction with World Breastfeeding Week.
The event, carried out at 325 sites in 14 countries at 10am their local
time, attracted 10,103 motherbabies. A total of 9,826 motherbaby pairs
successfully latched on for one minute.
Click here
to read more about the Synchronized Breastfeeding Worldwide. Also
visit the website for more information and materials
UNICEF Afghanistan and the Ministry of Public Health are producing some
IEC materials, including translation of the Action Folder. They are also
planning for activities such as contests between schools. Contact: Zakia
Dr. Juan Munuce Hospital of Jacinto Arauz will conduct a logotype contest
in high schools, colouring programme for kindergarten kids, involving
grandparents for the celebration at an old folks home, and make
announcements and interactions with the public via radio. Contact: Dr.
Gerardo Ruibal,
The Bangladesh Breastfeeding Foundation (BBF) organized a launching for WBW 2007,
followed by a seminar, in Dhaka which was attended by about 900 participants. Among its partners for the event were
Plan Bangladesh, UNICEF, Dutch Bangla Bank and Concern Bangladesh. BBF also organized seminars, meetings
and exhibitions on the theme and other breastfeeding issues in many colleges and hospitals They also issued a press release,
highlighting the fact that every year, Bangladesh loses 120,000 newborns within the first 28 days of life and that 37,000 newborn deaths
could be averted if all newborns in the country were to breastfeed within one hour of birth.
Contact: Jolly Khannam,
Belgium, the slogan ENN WARM WELKOM which means ‘Give Mothers and Babies a
Warm Welcome’ was used as they would like to focus more on the health and
welfare of the babies and mother-friendly support during labour and birth.
Vereniging Begeleiding
Borstvoeding (VBBB)
updated their website with WBW materials in Dutch and
Flemish. ContactL Els Flies,
For the French speaking part of Belgium, Infor-Allaitement provided
information on the theme and listed the activities planned for WBW in
August and 1-7 October The National Committee
for Breastfeeding produced WBW posters in the three national languages
which were sent to all maternity wards, paedatricians and professional
organizations. Contact: Liliane Schaner,
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Tuzla, several round table discussions were held on the WBW theme,
particularly on the benefits of colostrum and barriers to early
breastfeeding initiation. Breastfeeding promotions were also carried out
in the mass media including TV, radio and newspapers. Contact: Selma
IBFAN Brasil organised a seminar attended by about 200 health
professionals, mothers and even sensitising some baby food industries
representatives on the importance of initiation of breastfeeding in saving
babies’ lives. Contact: Tereza Toma,
The Hospital Maternidade Nova Friburgo will
print the
translated Action Folders into Portuguese for disemmination to
professionals and the community of Nova Friburgo and share the materials
online with the Breastfeeding Committee of the Brazil Pediatrician
Society. They will
conduct a BFHI course with eighteen theoretical and practical hours
inviting health professionals as well as elderly women of our community
that will cooperate in breastfeeding group activities with pregnant women
and mothers at the hospitals and at the health care units. These women
will be called “Baby Friendly Grandmothers” or “Breastfeeding Friendly
To promote an event at a main square of our city, Praça Demerval Barbosa
Moreira, with participation of many partner institutions, developing
activities like lactation consult for pregnant women and mothers, music
presentation, exercises, theatre, distribution of translated folders of
WBW and t-shirts with the WBW slogan for professionals and people present.
Contact: Rosane

Nova Friburgo Breastfeeding Doll used in the WBW events
The group Aleitamento Materno: Um gesto que salva milhões de vidas
consist of a group of university pharmacy students. They will carry out
WBW activities in the city of Barra do Garças, Mato-Grosso state, like
lectures in schools and pregnancy’s groups and distribution of materials.
With examples like this other college’s students would feel motivated to
promote the breastfeeding, exerting an ideal association: academic
knowledge in favour of the community. Contact: Nair Bizão,
The Brasilian Minister of Health, José Gomes Temporão, launched the
WBW celebration in Brasil on 1 August. He stressed the importance of
doctors’ and fathers’ roles in ensuring successful breastfeeding.
The Ministry of Health also produced many materials, such as the
Action Folder in Portuguese and attractive breastfeeding posters.
WBW also attracted press coverage (see interview here),,GIM710345-7823-MAES+INCENTIVAM+AMAMENTACAO,00.html.
Currently, Brasil has 197 milk banks in all states and 183 in the
Federal District. In 2006, 112,625 liters of human milk had been
collected and donated for 90,175 mothers and 131,613 babies.
Contact: Marina Rea,,
Tereza Toma, |
IBFAN Bulgaria
launched WBW with
a press conference with the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency. 20
representatives of TV, RADIO stations and newspapers covered the
event and the WBW 2007 theme. Other activities included sharing of
breastfeeding stories on the website, sharing of pictures of
breastfed children, and connecting with mother to mother support
groups all over the country. IBFAN Bulgaria also represented data
from their monitoring in January-June 2007 on the breastfeeding rate
in the 1st hour, exclusive breastfeeding up till 6 months and the
problems encountered at Baby Friendly Hospitals in Bulgaria.
The Action Folder and other materials were translated into
Bulgarian. Visit their website at Contact: Roumjana Modeva and Mariela Todorova, |
The ICH (Integrated Child Health) Project is a Child Survival Project
based in 3 administrative districts of Siem Reap. As part of the national
celebration of World Breastfeeding Week, the project will be holding an
activity in the local town of Puok, featuring a round table discussion
with breast feeding experts, songs and poems about breast feeding made up
and performed by Cambodian Red Cross women volunteers, interviews with
model mothers and role plays about breast feeding. In addition, they will
be holding a bottle amnesty and inviting people to hand in any baby
feeding bottles, which will then be destroyed and a new krama (scarf)
given in exchange with the World Breastfeeding Week quotation printed on
it. Contact: Liz Andrews,
About 20
organisations in Cameroon, including ministries, UN agencies, NGOs
and universities collaborate for WBW. The Ministry of Health along
with partners such as Cifas and Cameroon Link organized a WBW
launching ceremony at the University Teaching Hospital of Yaounde,
presided by the Minister of Public Health, Urbain Olangueno Awono,
(picture below) in the presence of Mr Jacques Boyer, Representative
of the Regional Head of UNICEF and other major authorities and non
governmental organisations. Cifas’ Mother Support Groups from
different towns, as far as the locality of Bafia (120kms away from
Yaounde) were also present.
Cifas organised a
march and had a large stand to share their experiences with the
public. They also celebrated in other venues and rural towns such as
Bafia and Leboudi throughout WBW. Cifas were also invited as guests
in many radio and television programs. Contact: David Mbas,
The Action Folder
was translated into six local languages. Cameroon Link translated it
into Pidgin, Douala, Yabassi and Bassa, and Cifas translated it into
Eton and Bafia. Activities include information meeting with media,
broadcasting and quizzes in radio programmes at peak hours in local
languages, outreach to pregnant women and mothers, and talks to
sensitise fathers to provide support for breastfeeding. Contact:
James Achanyi,
The Cameroon Breastfeeding Promotion Taskforce (CBP Taskforce),
involving 18 independent health associations and organisations, also
revamped its actions and initiated a plan of action for the period
2008 – 2012. With the support of health partners of Cameroon, the
Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative has also been relaunched. Apart
from all these decisions, the government has elaborated its road map
for the reduction of infant mortality within the context of the
Millennium Development Goals and the national infant and young child
directives. Contact Task Force
National Coordinator: James Achanyi,
Canada celebrates WBW on 107 October. The Quintessence Foundation
continues to organize the 7th Quintessence Breastfeeding
Challenge to largest number of motherbaby breastfeeding in a geographic
region on 30 September. Last year, they had 4687 motherbaby pairs
breastfeeding at 156 sites across North America. Visit for more info. This Challenge encompasses ALL of
Canada, so if you want to participate, contact Frances Jones,
Meanwhile, in Montreal, Sandra is planning to initate a Breastfeeding
Week Programe for the northern aboriginal communities in Quebec. Contact
Sandra Gentili: The Public Health Department in the Niagara
Region are also planning some activities and to produce some materials
including buttons. Contact: Sarah Gosse:
In Montreal, the
Island Breastfeeding Regional Sub-Committee organized a WBW event on 3
October at the Galeries des Sources. The event will include workshops for
moms, breastfeeding information and a raffle. There will be lactation
consultants, breastfeeding support mothers and post-natal nurses at the
event to answer any questions and promote breastfeeding. Contact Dominique
The Cambridge Community Breastfeeding Group, in collaboration with the
Public Health Waterloo, YMCA Cambridge, Cambridge Memorial Hospital and
Soroptimist International hosted a talk on the theme by Dr. Jack Newman.
On 2 October, they also organized the 3rd annual Cambridge
Community Breastfeeding Challenge for mothers and babies to breastfeeding
together at the same time. Contact: Tania Heinemann,
The Ministry of Health organized a breastfeeding training course for
about 120 doctors and head nurses from 15 provinces from 6th
–8th August in Xi'an, Shanxi province, in conjunction
with WBW. Officers from WHO, UNICEF and China Consumer Association
also attended the sessions. Breastfeeding advocate Ding Bing gave a
presentation on WABA and its activities, with a message from WABA
Co-Director Susan Siew. China consumer association has shown a
survey just finished last month on the meeting that the
breastfeeding rate for 6 month only 52.4%. Contact: Ding Bing, |
More than 300 mothers took to the train and began breast feeding their
infants in the "Mamatren" that took place on Saturday as part of a world
movement to promote breastfeeding. The train left the Rincón Grande, Pavas,
station on the west side of San José, at 8:30am, making its way to San
Pedro and back, accompanied by the music of Fernando Zumbado, Ministro de
Vivienda (housing minister), playing the accordion. The celebration was
part of the World Breastfeeding Week. Zumbado said that for him the
Mamatrén is a strategy to promote breastfeeding in the home, work and
community. It is estimated that Costa Rican mothers produce some 47
million litres of breast milk annually that could be valued at us$29
million dollars, representing a savings of between 19% and 37% of the
family income, not having to spend on baby formula and bottles. Contact:
Jose Quiros,
For Spanish materials such as the Action Folder, Calendar and others,
please visit
Contact: Marta Trejos and Jose Quiros,
Akti Project and Research Centre and the Nicosia Breastfeeding Support
Group are planning to join the Synchronised Breastfeeding Worldwide on 8
August 10am, with a group of motherbaby breastfeeding at the same time in
Nicosia. Contact: Irene Paphiti-Demetriou,
UNICEF Ecuador is advocating the importance of breastfeeding to the
government through their Ninoesperanza Campaign. Contact: Geraldine Boezio,
Aktionsgruppe Babynahrung (AGB) is translating the Action Folder into
German. Contact: Roswitha,
Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Breastfeeding Mothers' Association is dedicating its next
newsletter to WBW under the section of "Breastfeeding Support for Working
Parents" & "World Breastfeeding Week". Contact: Alice Wu, Editor,
Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI) produced materials for
India in English, Hindi and Kannada. Other materials are also available on
IBFAN Asia’s website. The key writer of the Action Folder, Arun Gupta,
presented on the theme (to download, click on ‘Downloads’ at homepage) at
the GOLD 07 free worldwide online conference. He was also a guest on a
television talk show on Lok Sabha Channel on 4 August.
BPNI organized a rally on 1st August 2007 at 9 a.m. urging
advocates to send a petition to the chief minister of their respective
states and submit a copy to their MLA/ district collector with as many
signatures as possible. This ONE action would act as a catalyst for mass
awareness of the benefits of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding and
Exclusive Breastfeeding. The rally would be a mega-event with mass
participation of mothers, doctors, nurses, NGOs, school teachers and
children with full media coverage. The first 100 respondents, who organize
a rally, would get a prize of Rs 1000 after submission of the report and a
photograph of the event. Contact: Been Bhatt,, Websites:,
IBFAN Asia is compiling info for initiation of breastfeeding within one
hour for WBW 2007. They produced the State of the World’s Breastfeeding
Report Card for quick reference as to how countries are faring in their
initiation rate. Visit Contact: Beena Bhatt,
UNICEF Maharasthra and BPNI (Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India)
Maharasthra in collaboration with the Government of Maharasthra and Health
Education To Villages (HETV) made a video and a dossier on a novel,
evidence based and cost effective miraculous method to initiate
breastfeeding – the nature’s way. This method is called ‘Breast Crawl’.
Video and dossier are available on
Prashant Gangal,,
Rajlakshmi Nair,
Surat, Gujerat, the Perinatology Forum of Surat, Sheth P.T. Mahila College
and IAP Surat organized various WBW activities. They organized
breastfeeding awareness for youth and college students to promote a peer
group method of awareness in prospective parents. Competitions such as
power point presentations, poster presentations and quiz were organized
for youths. The organisers also conducted awareness programs in social
groups like ladies clubs, social clubs, community groups and religion
groups. Updates for doctors and health workers through the Family
Physicians Association, other local doctors club, and nurses and
paramedics at various hospitals were given. A phone-in talk show on local
TV channel was held and media reporters helped to cover the events and
create awareness. For Anganwadi workers, a gathering was organized by
Surat Municipal Corporation. The Menopausal Club of Surat also arranged a
session on the roles of grandmothers in influencing their younger family
members to breastfeed. Contact: Ketan Bharadva,
In Pondicherry,
Tamizhosai Radio Youth and Science Forum observed several WBW
activities, some of which were covered by state television network
Doordarshan Kendra. Breastfeeding awareness events were also
organized at primary health centres whereby pregnant and
breastffeeding women had their queries on breastfeeding answered.
Besides that, they also carried out activities in learning
institutions. A quiz contest covering various aspects of
breastfeeding actions around the world was held at the Mother
Theresa Institute of Health Sciences. At the Loyola Teacher Training
Institute, there were speeches and showings of videos. Contact: K.
In Punjab, the Punjab Civil Medical Services and the Ludhiana
chapters of Indian Medical Association, Indian Academy of Pediatrics
and Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India submitted a petition to
the Chief Minister through the Deputy Commissioner, Ludhiana.
Besides that, workshops and lectures were also conducted with
participation from state officers, nursing students and grassroot
workers. A community radio station also recorded a programme on
breastfeeding which was aired during WBW. Contact: Rajinder Gulati,
Yayasan Susu Ibu Indonesia is translating the Action Folder into
Indonesian language. Contact: Dien Besar,
CARE International Indonesia Aceh in collaboration with Indonesia
Lactation Center/SELASI is organizing activities like training courses and
print IEC materials. Contact: Mardewi Asib,
Mercy Corps Indonesia started a project called Healthy Start Program to
improve breastfeeding in Indonesia, particularly in the urban North
Jakarta district. They are also conducting a seminar on the theme for
healthcare providers. Contact: Diba Jafar,
Northern Ireland, the Antrim Hospital focused on the father’s role for
their WBW celebration in May. Contact: Gillian Anderson,
Italy is celebrating its WBW from 1 to 14 October. In Milan, there will be
a convention, talks, community debates, appreciation of artworks,
distribution of materials, honouring of breastfeeding mothers and babies,
and a press conference. Contact: MAMI,
Novacella, on 29 September, there will be a interdisciplinary study on
breastfeeding. Contact: Karin Planker,
MAMI is translating the Action Folder into Italian. For materials in
Italian, visit Contact Elise Chapin,
UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre (IRC) which is based in Italy has
prepared and distributed a communications package containing downloadable
publications and posters in several languages such as Chinese, English,
French, Italian, Russian and Spanish at their website The
publication "Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the Innocenti Declaration
on the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding" and the
Innocenti Declaration 2005 pamphlet are also available. The UNICEF IRC
website also has a link to a recent study published in Pediatrics journal,
entitled ‘Delayed Breastfeeding Initiation Increases Rick of Neonatal
Mortality", which promotes early initiation of breastfeeding. The study
found that breastfeeding in the first hour of birth can prevent 22% of
newborn deaths. The package prepared can help programme officers, health
professionals, nutrition specialists, non-governmental organizations,
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative partners and others in their advocacy
efforts around breastfeeding. Contact: Salvador Herencia,
Breastfeeding Support Network of Japan translated the Action Folder into
Japanese. They also coordinate the Synchronised Breastfeeding Worldwide
project on 8 August in Japan, with 25 sites and more than 60 motherbabies.
Contact: Hiroko Kotake,
The Maseno Public Health
hopes to undertake to promote breastfeeding among the communities
including circulating of posters/fliers and other translated materials
that will help to create awareness on the importance of breastfeeding
among women, their spouses and the entire community. The Action Folder
will be translated into Swahili, Luo and Luhya languages. They will also
call for a baraza (community meeting) where we will have key resource
persons disseminate information and sensitize the community on the
importance of breastfeeding. A training session will also follow whereby
spouses (fathers) and caregivers will be targeted particular to encourage
the partners to offer support to the mothers and allow them time to
breastfeed. Visits will be made to the homes to check as a follow-up and
also to ensure that a conducive environment exists for mothers to safely
breastfeed. Contact: Susan Keino,
Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Korean Society of Pediatrics,
the Korean Society of Breastfeeding Medicine, the Seoul Metropolitan
Government, and the Planned Population Federation of Korea are
joining hands to celebrate WBW. An event was organised on 4 August
talks, including from a
mother who had exclusively breastfed preterm triplets
her story of struggle and joy. There were also entertainment
such as magic
shows and
choir performances. The event attracted a turnout of nearly 300
of which
were fathers.
Many pregnant women also came with their mothers who support them.
Korean Society of Pediatrics and the Planned Population Federation
of Korea also appointed 31 pediatricians who will serve as the cyber
advisers to mothers on all aspects of breastfeeding through online
consultation throughout the year at and
Contact: Cho Su
Alliance for Consumer Protection of Korea (CACPK) adapted the
Action Folder into Korean. Contact: Kim Jai Ok, |
Initiativ Liewensufank is translating the Action Folder. Contact: Maryse
Madagascar celebrates its National Breastfeeding Week from 17-23
September. In conjunction with that, its Code of Marketing of Breastmilk
Substitutes will be reviewed by key authorities of the government.
Contact: Paola Valenti,
WABA organized
the Penang chapter of the Synchronised Breastfeeding Worldwide. The
event was held at the Penang Caring Complex on 8 August. It was a
successful inaugural event with 60 motherbaby pairs breastfeeding
simultaneously for one minute at 10am. Representatives from eight
newspapers came to cover the event. Besides breastfeeding, there
participants had fun with games, quizzes and information sessions.
Susu Ibu Malaysia also held a synchronized breastfeeding in Kuala
Lumpur at several sites, on the same date and same time, with 128
motherbaby pairs in total. Other hospitals organizing their WBW
events are Adventist Hospital on 5 August at Gurney Plaza, and
Seberang Jaya Hospital on 3 August. Contact: WABA,
Breastfeeding Information Bureau (BIB) is translating the Action
Folder into Bahasa Malaysia. Contact: Siti Norjinah Moin,
UNICEF Malaysia dedicated their website to breastfeeding in the month of
August. They featured information and resources on breastfeeding, an
opinion piece by Anwar Fazal, Chairperson Emeritus of WABA, and
testimonies from a working mother and a proud mother who breastfed 12
years ago. Visit in August for info and interviews with mothers
on breastfeeding. Contact: Indra Kumari Nadchatram,
The Public Media Agency
will target young urban Malaysian women in their communication tools for WBW. They will produce an online dedicated
Breastfeeding Blog site supported by additional audio-visual
web-technologies. It will be developed for young urban women target with
localized and practical content under the headings feature story area,
photo gallery area, video area, breastfeeding info area, free downloads
and list area. They will also produce a Breastfeeding Promotional Video
of: 15 seconds to be distributed via “YouTube” and aired on a local
channel. Visit their website at Contact: Adeline James,
Adventist Hospital is having a mass gathering of breastfeeding mothers,
babies and families and various family competitions on 5 August 2007 2-5pm
at Level 7, Gurney Plaza. Contact: Chun Teik Lan,

MAPBIN issued a press release for WBW which was also posted on the Afrik
website Radio France International, which
broadcasts news in French in Africa, interviewed MAPBIN, giving WBW a
wider coverage. MAPBIN also made public their report on Code violations in
Mauritius. Contact: Mosadeq Sahebdin,
Organización Panamericana de la Salud featured an article on breastfeeding
on their website Contact: Mathilde Duchez,
In Chiapas, IBFAN Mexico organized
various breastfeeding awareness workshops for new and soon-to-be
parents. Lectures and conferences were also conducted for health
workers. Two radio stations broadcasted interviews and programmes
covering various breastfeeding issues such as birthing, health,
work, education and human rights. Contact: Paloma Lerma Bergua,
In Kathmandu,
Nepali NGO Chhimeki organized three consecutive mass breastfeeding
events. A total of 655 motherbaby pairs breastfed at the events
which were attended by 1,330 mothers and locals. Following each of
the event, the mothers were offered a hot bowl of nutritious Kwanti
soup. Besides that, eleven public street dramas were staged, viewed
by more than 4,000 community members. The 20-minute long drama was
based on the WBW 2007 theme and involved 12-15 volunteers. Earlier
in the year, Chhimeki Nepal provided a week-long training on street
theatre to its volunteers. WBW received good press coverage in the
print media, radio and TV. Contact: Gauri Giri,
Nepal Television
produced a documentary on breastfeeding which was broadcasted during
WBW. Contact: Neeta Shapkota, |
La Leche League Netherlands translated the theme into: Pasgeboren: niet
storen! (Newborn; don't disturb!). They work together with the 4 other
breastfeeding organisations in the Netherlands to promote WBW. They work
together with the National HealthFood and Nutrition Department on the
development of a glossy magazine on
breastfeeding for first-time pregnant women. A beautful photo-shoot of a
newborn accompanies a poster-campaign in health-care-institutes. Contact:
Lydia de Raad,
Women’s Health is planning to join the Synchronised Breastfeeding
Worldwide on 8 August at 10am. They are also adapting the WBW materials
for use in New Zealand. Contact: Louise James,
Keita Niger, a community-based project on nutrition in Niger, is adapting
the WBW posters. Contact: Félicien Muhire,
Colostrum International will be conducting road shows, free seminars and
the annual colostrums baby shows and the Nigerian Baby Pageant in Lagos.
They are also having such events in various towns to reach out to
communities across the country. Contact: Bunmi Ogundimu,
Blue Veins (Women Welfare & Relief Services) are translating the Action
Folder. Contact: Qamar Naseem,
Pakistan, the infant mortality rate is 74/1,000 live births
indicating that around 400,000 babies are likely to die during their
first year of life. In conjunction with WBW, a week long drive of
mass awareness and advocacy was launched by The Network for Consumer
protection in Pakistan with the following activities:
press briefing on WBW was held on 1 August. The importance of the
theme was highlighted in at least 12 newspapers in Urdu and English.
posters in English and Urdu were displayed and distributed at health
facilities by the 3000 members of The Network throughout the
country. News items and articles were written for the print media.
Contacts were made with TV channels to air news and views on the
importance of breastfeeding.
Coordinator of The Network, Dr. Talib Lashari, along with
Chairperson Breastfeeding Steering Committee (Sindh Province), Prof.
Dure Samin Akram, were invited as guests for a TV program by HUM
consultative meeting on “Breastfeeding: A Key Element for Achieving
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)” was held on 6 August. The
Director General of Health, Maj-Gen (retired) Shahida Malik and WHO
Country Director Dr. Khalif Bile Mohammad were among the partners
who addressed the meeting. The event was covered in 9 Pakistani
Contact: Talib Lashari,, and Rubina Bhatti,
Children for Breastfeeding, in partnership with WABA, is coordinating the
Synchronised Breastfeeding Worldwide project, to encourage breastfeeding
advocates around the world to breastfeed on 8 August, 10am in their
respective countries. They also provided informational support to country
groups that would like to take part. Countries that will be organizing the
Synchronised Breastfeeding Worldwide are: Philippines, New Zealand,
Greece, India, USA, Uganda, Dominican Republic, Malaysia, and the list
will grow. In the Philippines, Children of Breastfeeding will organize a
series of public events leading to 8 August at SM Supermalls. Contact:
Nona Andaya-Castillo,
The NCCC Mall is opening yet another Sulok Kalinga (Breastfeeding Station
and Employees Child Care Center) for both customers and employees to
provide much needed support for parents. Contact: Joel Philips Macrohon
Polish Program for Development and Awareness Raising is translating the
Action Folder. They will also be producing 7000 leaflets and posters.
Besides printed materials, they will launch the webpage that would be
useful for young generation to view. They will also encourage hospitals in
Lower Silesia region to follow the 10 Steps of BFHI strictly. Contact:
Katarzyna Stasiak,
Pieptul Mamei (LPM - “at mother’s breast” in Romanian) will publicly
launch itself in Romania’s Jiu coal-mining Valley, and across the country.
WBW 2007 activities planned include translation, printing and distribution
of 40 posters and 300 brochures to 2 Jiu Valley hospitals, 10 medical
offices, 10 pharmacies, and communal areas. They will also officially
lunch Romania’s first exclusive pro-breastfeeding website via press
releases and parenting Internet sites and magazines. Also on is the La
Pieptul Mamei Open House, inviting mothers and medical professionals for a
breastfeeding presentation and invitation to attend weekly LPM meetings
for ongoing breastfeeding and parenting support. Contact: Monica Popescu, |

Dr. Constanta Popescu spoke passionately about the many benefits of
breastfeeding to mother, child, and society, and the hard work that
needs to be done to promote breastfeeding in Romania. |
South Africa
The Johannesburg Hospital in South Africa is celebrating WBW by holding a
special informative day on the 1st of August. Each ward in the Obstetric
and Gynaecology as well as the Paediatric wards are taking part in the
celebration by decorating a table in the main hallway of the hospital.
Members of the wards will also be available throughout the day informing
mothers, fathers and other members of the families about breastfeeding and
the benefits. They are also holding a baby competition for all the infants
under 6 months. The infants will have their photo taken while the mothers
answer an easy breastfeeding question. Contact: Chantal Walsh CP,
people will visit the
Feria Biocultura de Madrid this year
November. La Liga
de la Leche de Madrid will have a booth at the fair to promote the WBW
2007 theme with billboards, gifts and brochures. BFHI in Spain also
promotes the WBW via its website Contact: Elvira Germana,
The group Enerca translated and adapted the Action Folder into Spanish for
local circulation. They also involved consumer and women’s groups in their
WBW celebrations. Contact: Helen Segura,
Sarvodaya Women’s Movement is translating the Action Folder into Sinhala
and Tamil distributed it to the communities and in conducting training
sessions for the media. A banner with the message “ Breastfeeding is Our
Soul, it is Our Right to Feed Our Infants within 1st Hour” was also
produced. They organized seminars, talks and community gatherings
involving the government, and consumer and women’s groups. Grandmothers
were involved as communicators of the WBW message. There were news and
programmes in the print media and radio (Sri Lanka Broadcast Corp).
Contact: Amara Peeris,
The Family Health
Bureau (FHB) organized a media seminar on 1 Aug which was attended
by more than 80 media personnel representing major print and
electronic media in Sri Lanka. Another National Seminar was also
conducted on 6 August with participation by more than 200 healthcare
workers and administrators. Both events were graced by the Hon.
Minister of Healthcare and Nutrition. Contact: SSP Godakandage,,
Switzerland celebrates WBW from 1-7 October. The Swiss Foundation
for the Promotion of Breastfeeding produced WBW outreach materials
such as postcards and posters. Materials in German and French are
available on their website They began the celebration with an open
day on 1 October with talks and family activities. Subsequently at
2pm, balloons with breastfeeding logos were released simultaneously.
Contact: Birgitta Locher-Meyer, Monica Casutt, |
A small video of skin contact was produced Click on the icon
right to 15MB, then you can download the film. It is less than 2 minutes.
Contact: Chen Chao-Huei,
The Thai Breastfeeding Center and Childbirth and Breastfeeding Foundation
of Thailand are translating the Action Folder into Thai, which is
available on this website They also had an exhibition at the 8th Family Nursing
Conference to promote the theme. More WBW activities carried out in
Thailand can be found on Contact: Meena Sobsamai,

An animated public
service announcement on initiating breastfeeding in the first hour was
produced. The 45 second PSA is being shared through the UNICEF and WHO
country offices globally as well as to other regional partners. The
animated public service announcement, which was created by Kantana
Animation Company in Thailand with support from UNICEF’s East Asia and
Pacific Office and WHO Western Pacific Regional Office, will be made
available globally in support of ongoing campaigns to promote
breastfeeding. It is intended as the first in a series on child survival
issues and can be broadcast free of charge. It can be viewed at or Contact: Shantha Bloemen,
Coconut Productions will produce five TV/Radio half hour programs
addressing the following: the BFHI 10 steps, current patterns of
breastfeeding in Tonga, lack of family & community support – what can
we do?, promotion of breastfeeding-friendly policy in our national
hospital, and looking a work place friendly policies for breastfeeding
working mothers. They are also broadcasting a 30 second TV Spot to
throughout WBW as the introduction to the TV/Radio half hour programs.
Contact: ‘Ofa Likiliki,
Al-Qassimi Hospital which has the BFHI status since 2003, sets a good
example in monitoring the rate of initiation of breastfeeding at the
hospital emphasizing on skin-to-skin contact, thus consistently monitoring
and improving the rates. They developed a form to assist in the monitoring
activity. Contact: Sameera Khalid Al-Hamad,
UAE celebrates its National Breastfeeding Week from 11-17 November in
2007. Breastfeeding Friends will be conducting educational and outreach
activities during the week, such as exhibits at schools, hospitals and
malls in Sharjah. They will also organize lectures, meetings and plays at
schools. Up to 1000 ‘Congratulations Bag’ will be given during the week at
the Al Qassimi Hospital, Al Zahra Hospital and Zulaikha Hospital for all
new mothers. Contact: Mervat A. Al Aydi,
The Children in Africa is planning for a breastfeeding photo exhibition.
In August, they also participated in the Synchronised Breastfeeding
Worldwide project. Contact: Josephine,
Birmingham, the Good Hope and Solihull Hospitals had a series of
skin-to-skin photos taken of local mothers with their babies, some with
fathers as well. These will be displayed around the maternity hospitals as
portraits and developed into posters and a leaflet for distribution to
pregnant women. Contact: Sue Dennett,
The Newcastle
Breastfeeding Resource had a café photoshoot of breastfeeding
mothers during WBW to
that mothers can have full and fun lives while breastfeeding and to
promote the message that it is okay to breastfeed in public.
As an outcome of the photoshoot, a charity calendar was produced,
proceeds of which will benefit a local breastfeeding group. Over 30
additional images were also submitted. The local calendar was made,
designed and supported by local mothers. To view the photos, visit
The website also has a list of breastfeeding-friendly cafes in
Contact: Andrea Shemilt, |
The Leeds branch
of the National Childbirth Trust has been awarding 'breastfeeding welcome'
stickers to venues that are breastfeeding friendly. So far they have
awarded 250, details of which are on their website Contact: Kathryn,
La Leche League (LLL)
in USA had updated its World Breastfeeding Week Celebrations Website with
materials and information for those who would like to organize events in
USA, complete with fundraising and publicity ideas
www.lllusa/wbw/index.php. Find out from the website a complete listing
of WBW happenings in USA. LLL USA, using the theme on the ‘Power of One’,
gives rebates and has gift certificates from Amazon for contests between
groups and chapters. Contact:
The International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) chose to
focus their WBW on the importance of protecting the environment for
mothers and infants during the first hours after birth with the slogan
‘Breastfeeding: The 1st Hour - Welcome Baby Softly’. This encourages
allowance of infant to use all five of his heightened senses to get to
know mother and father and greet his new world, which is a message that is
perfect for hospitals, WIC agencies, public health programs, private
clinics, and community celebrations. ILCA has a comprehensive spread of
materials and promotional items, particularly their WBW Kit, to help its
members plan an exciting and effective program. For more information,
visit |
United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF)
publish a news item and other informational materials on breastfeeding on
their website in conjunction with WBW.
Baby and More,
an online group based in Baltimore, is hosting the 2nd Annual World
Breastfeeding Week Book Release Challenge from August 1-31 whereby books
on breastfeeding, including ‘how to’ books, subjects as breastfeeding
advocacy and fiction with breastfeeding in the plot line, which are
released in places where pregnant or new mothers are likely to catch
them. Last year, more than 150 books were released from all over the
world, including the USA, Holland and Portugal. This year their goal is to
at least double that number. Visit for more information. Contact: Colleen Newman,
Birmingham, Alabama:
The Cooper Green Mercy Hospital will develop and distribute a brochure
that provides accurate and culturally sensitive literature in a timely
manner to mothers in labor and those who have just delivered emphasizing
the importance of 1st hour breastfeeding, told from the baby’s
perspective. They will also offer counseling and educational materials to
mothers. These activities will benefit especially the African American and
Spanish population and potential increase the rate. Contact: Angela
Florida: The
Manatee County Health Department’s WIC & Nutrition Program celebrated the
WBW by kicking off the week with a festive breastfeeding fair with
balloons, prizes, educational info, displays and food. The WIC
nutritionists had chats with moms on pumping, latch-ons, breastfeeding
myths and benefits, among other activities. Mothers also shared their
experiences with each other. Contact: Débora D. Castañón,
Fairfield, OH:
Mercy Hospital Fairfield set up displays of balloons, posters,
brochures, and balls printed with the image of Earth and the slogan
"World Breastfeeding Week". Breastfeeding mothers at the hospital
also received complimentary bibs and certificates of recognition for
breastfeeding their babies. The Governor of Ohio also issued the
Recognition Letter of Breastfeeding Awareness Month. Contact: Robin
Hirth, |
Greenwood, MS:
The Mississippi State Department of Health District III Annex
reproduced and distributed the Action Folder in English and Spanish,
which were used in prenatal classes and health care professionals
trainings. Several local events were held such as exhibitions,
banquets and breastfeeding promotion in the mass media. They also
involved other groups such as hospitals, consumer and women’s
groups. Contact: Tawanda Collins, |
The LLL group teamed up with the local hospital to celebrate WBW with a
Family Fun & Baby Fair on 18 August. They had speakers, silent auction
items, vendors and lots of fun for the families. Contact: Susan Waldron,
The Indiana Mothers' Milk Bank, Inc. is celebrating World Breastfeeding
Week in partnership with Indiana Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Office
in Muncie, Indiana by opening a drop off site for mothers who are donating
their breast milk to the milk bank for sick babies. The Honorable Indiana
First Lady Cheri Daniels will read a Proclamation from the State Governor
declaring the first week of August as "Breastfeeding Awareness Week" for
the state. Contact: Mary Alexander,
Ks: A group
of committed mothers and doctors are planning for a WBW celebration around
the theme Getting Back to Nature or Mammals, we are! Contact: Jae,
Alabama: WIC
reproduced and distributed the Action Folder. They involved the public
through community gatherings, fairs and forums. They also organized
seminars and promoted WBW on their website. These events reached policy
makers, women and youth groups, hospitals and health groups. WBW also
received some local media attention. Contact: Sabrina Miles,
York City:
New York City’s public hospital system announced this morning that it is
no longer supplying free baby-formula samples in the gift bags it provides
to new mothers. Instead, the new mothers will each be given a breastmilk
bottle cooler, disposable nursing pads, breastfeeding tips and a baby
T-shirt with the slogan “I Eat at Mom’s”. Breastfeeding coaches will
accompany the mothers at bedside to help initiate breastfeeding within one
hour of delivery. The hospital agency will also give out free breast pumps
and make available hospital-grade electric breast pumps to mothers whose
newborns have to remain in the hospital. Read more about it at
Northeast Ohio Lactation Association is planning a WBW event at the
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo on 6 August. Contact:

Orange Parks, Florida: A hospital is planning to produce T-shirts
for WBW. Contact: Mary Buskohl,
Temple Health Connection, the service arm of Temple University Department
of Nursing, College of Health Professions is celebrating World
Breastfeeding Day with celebrity spokesperson Lehronda Upshur from Power
99 in Philadelphia. It will be held Thursday, Aug 2, 2007 at the
Episcopal Hospital lobby, 100 E. Lehigh Avenue, Philadelphia PA, 19125.
There will be shout-outs, a mini informational health fair, raffles and
refreshments. Contact: Rita Lourie,
Sullivan, TN:
WIC adapted the theme to “Universal Power of Breastfeeding”. WBW
materials, particularly the poster, were put up on bulletin boards
and distributed to WIC clients. Seminars and talks were organized,
as well as community events such as fairs together with partners
such as La Leche League and YWCA. WIC also provided information on
the benefits of breastfeeding for working women to 10 local
factories. They also held the Beautiful Breastfeeding Baby Contest
with 33 babies participating. Local authorities, health groups and
hospitals were also involved in the events. WBW in Sullivan received
some press coverage. For WBW, the state of Tennessee Department of
Health issued a media release on breastfeeding within the first
hour. Contact: Rose Fleenor,
There will be a Breastfeeding Walk and Breastfeeding Health Fair on August
3. They are having a breastfeeding challenge between hospitals in
Southern Arizona. Hospitals have been challenged to put the baby to
breast within one hour of delivery. It is hoped that the hospital staff
will realize it is not as difficult as one may think, and to also live up
to the WBW theme and keep it going. Contact: Renee Palting,,
Valencia County:
Valencia County WIC will partner with the Valencia County Breastfeeding
Task Force in hosting our 5th annual community celebration of World
Breastfeeding Week, August 3rd, 2007 from 4-6 pm at the Anna Becker Park
in Belen. This family event, which hosted over 200 people in 2006, is
sponsored by the Center for Ageless Living/Garden Gate Day Spa and the
City of Belen, and takes place during the Rio Abajo Grower's Market. The
2007 celebration will feature mini-massages and spa certificates, among
others. They invite all pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, and their
families, to join us at the celebration. WIC will have a breastfeeding
information/support booth at the event with one-on-one
consultations/advice available from Laura Reeves and Deborah Boyles, both
WIC IBCLCs. Deborah Boyles has also been interviewed by KNAT TV (Channel
23) regarding WBW, WIC and the Task Force's breastfeeding promotion
activities. Local physicians, dignitaries, and media representatives have
been invited, and articles about WBW and Task Force services have been
submitted to the local newspaper. For in-house WBW activities, both WIC
clinic staff will wear the tee-shirts provided on Friday, August 3rd,
and throughout the week of August 1-7 will also hand out the infant
tees. Contact: Deborah Boyles,
Journal also announced the WBW on their website Women’s eNews, an online women’s
journal, also wrote an article on breastfeeding rights in conjunction with
The National Yemeni Midwives Association will distribute the world breast
feeding week materials in Arabic to all 1200 Association members. They
will also plan and implement at least 25 to 30 separate training sessions
in hospitals/health centers in Sana'a and 22 governorates for midwives and
health facility staff, during WBW, on early initiation in the first hour,
as well as the 10 steps for successful breastfeeding/BFHI. Ccontact
midwives will be assigned in each of the above hospitals or centers to
follow up all deliveries and to provide early post delivery care within
the first hour, and to encourage and assist newly delivered mothers
especially primigravida in breast feeding. They will encourage Association
members to conduct community celebrations and events relating to World
Breastfeeding Week using the translated materials, inviting families, both
fathers and mothers to participate. Contact: Suad Saleh,
SPONSORSHIP: We do not accept
sponsorship of any kind from companies producing breastmilk substitutes,
related equipment and complementary foods. We encourage all participants
of World Breastfeeding Week to respect and follow this ethical stance.